Adopt a K-9 Cop 

Matching  Grant Program 

Guidelines and Application

The United States Police Canine Association, Inc. (USPCA) and the American Kennel Club (AKC) have agreed to form an alliance.  One of the benefits of this alliance is the AKC Reunite, Adopt a K-9 Cop matching grant. Our association with AKC allows us to sponsor USPCA members for grants to purchase canines. A maximum of one grant per department and a total of 200 grants will be awarded in 2024. How this works:

At this time, we are not accepting any USPCA AKC REUNITE 2024 K9 Grants. The USPCA and AKC REUNITE have reached our goal of 200 grants issued for 2024. We will again have a grant program in 2025. Please watch our website (USPCAK9.com) under the blue “K9 Grant” tab for information as to when we will begin accepting grant applications for the 2025 grant cycle. Sorry for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please contact me at this email address: [email protected]

  1. Limited to Law Enforcement
  2. Departments must agree to display the AKC Reunite car logo on their police vehicle.
  3. The USPCA can sponsor your requests, but you must be a member of the USPCA.     JOIN HERE    You may have your representative or designee join initially,  and then if you let us know,  we can switch this membership over to the handler.   YOU CANNOT JOIN AS A DEPARTMENT.  Membership must follow a handler or administrator.  If a handler has not been selected yet,  please have an administrator join, and then the membership can be moved to the handler down the road as needed.  IF YOU KNOW WHO THE HANDLER IS GOING TO BE,  PLEASE HAVE THE HANDLER FILL OUT THE APPLICATION (using the JOIN HERE link above or by going to www.uspcak9.com and clicking on join).   PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FOR THE HANDLER IF YOU KNOW WHO THE HANDLER IS GOING TO BE.  
  4. If your department commits to funding at least $2500, AKC Reunite Adopt a K9 Cop will grant your department up to 75% of your requested amount, to a maximum amount of $7500.00, to assist you with the purchase of your new K9.  (example: maximum request of $10,000 could result in a grant amount to you of $7500.00) 
  5. A letter on department letterhead is needed confirming you have/will be committing $2500 toward the cost of the police K9.
  6. You must include the following documentation with your application:
    1. Completed W-9
    2. Proof of 501 C-3 status, if applicable


  •    Applications must be in writing on the designated form. Do not remove or omit any of the application’s questions. 
  •    To apply, submit the following application in a hard-copy format (Sections A, B, C D, and E). Emailed versions are acceptable in portable document format (PDF) form only. Do not fax the grant application.
  •    Retain one copy of the application for your records.  Multiple copies, videotapes, or other attachments will not be accepted.
  •    Do not bind the application with staples or folders or put them into binders, as we must be able to separate and copy the application. Paper clips and binder clips are permitted. 
  •    You will be contacted by telephone or email if there are any discrepancies or concerns regarding the application.
  • Applicants will receive a Grant Follow-Up email from AKC REUNITE/AKC Adopt a K9 Cop annually.
  • A grant application must be signed by an officer in a supervisory capacity, usually a Lt or higher
  •  Please be specific on your application in Section C, Question #2,  

Submit applications to Mark Darnell at the following email:        Please note that the grant check will be issued to the agency and address listed on the W9.  

 [email protected]   

Download Application Here
If you are a Chief, Sheriff, or supervisor applying for this grant and you do not have a handler selected yet,  just go ahead and apply using the name listed on the application.   Once you get a handler selected,  we would be more than happy to move this membership from you to the selected handler within the current year of the application.    
If you're wondering what Region you belong to:  See below:  These are general breakdowns of what Region you should request. Some of the boundaries are not hard fast,  so use the closest to you.  
Region 1-   Florida 
Region 2 -  Carolinas 
Region 3 -  Virginia, Maryland,  DC,  WV 
Region 4 -  Massachusetts,  into New Hampshire, Vermont 
Region 5-  Ohio, Indiana,  Kentucky 
Region 6 - Pennsylvania 
Region 7 -  New York State
Region 9 -  Maine, New Hampshire
Region 10 - Louisiana 
Region 11 -  Oklahoma 
Region 12 - Minnesota,  Dakotas 
Region 13 -  Tennessee
Region 14 - Colorado, Wyoming 
Region 15 - New Jersey  
Region 16 -   Illinois, Missouri 
Region 18 - Minnesota, Wisconsin  
Region 19 - Michigan 
Region 20 - Texas  
Region 21 - Iowa
Region 22 -  Georgia, Alabama 
Region 23 -  Western US States (Regions there are inactive at this time) 
Region 25 -  Texas 
Region 26 -  Mississippi