If you have been a member anytime since 2019 and you need to renew, you should click on the below link and use your log in credentials to proceed. IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, SEE BELOW WHERE YOU WOULD JOIN! If you have questions or need your log in credentials (existing members), contact Secretary Ruopp at [email protected] . The renewal period for a new year begins around the 1st of December. The system will not allow you to renew until the renewal period opens.
Full Membership to this Association shall be open to any active full-time paid law enforcement officer, whether Federal, State, County or Municipal, who is a canine handler, trainer or administrator, pending approval of regional elected officers. This shall include members of the Military Police who may be canine handlers, trainers, or administrators. Any full member may continue as such in the event he or she enters military service and later returns to canine law enforcement on a full-time basis. See below for information on Membership types.
Please note that regional elected officials must approve memberships for their respective regions.
If you are not currently a LE officer, (civilian) please read carefully on the membership types below. If you are not a LE officer, you cannot certify with the USPCA in any area except Detection work & tracking, and we must obtain a letter from a LE agency which you have or could do work for (if they needed you) to verify your work, if you do want to participate in a certification. We realize this sounds harsh, but our name is the US POLICE Canine Association, which means we do want to cater specifically to LE officers or those folks that do work primarily for LE. * see below membership types
It's easy to join! NEW MEMBERS - WELCOME! JUST CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN! We recommend using a personal email vs a department email, as our domain is often bounced by department email security.