The USPCA was very excited back in late summer, when our friends at the AKC came to us with an idea about a TV show featuring detection work. This little idea grew into a plan after meeting with us at the Spring National Trials, and again at the National Field Trials in September, 2021. We made the decision to make it happen at the trials in September, and the work began! It was not a perfect process, but we sought out input from regional offices and executive officers for potential candidates to attend this event, all expenses paid by the AKC. We then started the difficult task of providing the producers of the show with submitted names. The initial list included well over 100 names, by the way! Some of them were either not a member, or they had not ever certified in detection, so those were unfortunately whittled out. The rest were given to producers and they cut the list down to 10 and 10. We were excited to invite those 20 and all excepted. Those 20 participants as well as President Rothschild, Executive Director Slavik, Secretary Ruopp and 5 other members were asked to assist with production. Filming took place November 15th in Raleigh, North Carolina at the PNC Arena. With a TON of help, provided by the Raleigh Police Department and Senior Officer David Green, we were able to pull this off! The challenge was difficult to set up because we wanted it to be as reflective of real life as possible, with the goal being to educate the general public on what detection work is all about. We were limited to a couple ideas that would work within the PNC arena. We decided on a concourse area (because of lighting) for the narcotic work, seating area for the explosive work, and 6 vehicles for both groups. The event aired for the first time on November 28th! We were so excited to see how it would turn out, and with the only issue being a darn delay due to a basketball game, it looked great! It will be re broadcast as well and it is available on ESPN if you purchase or have a streaming ap with that. Here is the Concourse area for drug work.
The explosive seating search area 9 seats wide, by 10 rows.
AND THE BEST PART! OUR PARTICIPANTS: Alison Gentile & K9 Mac MTA PD, NY Joe Angarone & K9 Bela Explosives Detection Narcotics Detection
Breg Anderson & K9 Jaeger Sherman, TX Fernando Burga & K9 Sadie Punta Gorda, FL PD Narcotics Detection Narcotics Detection
Chad Whitaker & K9 Blizzard Lakeland PD, FL Dao Muensaveng & K9 Bero Des Moines, IA PD Explosive Detection Narcotic Detection
Larry McArdle & K9 Zoey NYC DOC Traci Dietz & K9 Vika TIA, FL Narcotics Detection Explosives Detection
Derek Ellis & K9 Rudy Austin PD, MN Kolbi Kraft & K9 Kye Charleston, IL PD Narcotic Detection Narcotics Detection
Jared Davis & K9 Bella Lowndes Co, GA SO Lucas Timmons & K9 Burt Chattanooga PD, TN Narcotics Detection Narcotics Detection
Matt Pinelli & K9 Seren Nassau CO, NY Michelle Lyman & K9 Peppers Raleigh NC, PD Explosives Detection Explosives Detection
Shane Moore & K9 Sumo TN Dept of Safety Brian Riebeling & K9 Chaos Springfield, IL Police Explosive Detection Narcotic Detection
Richard Rodden & K9 Kasey GM Police, MI Tracy Stuart & K9 Freya Stockton U, NJ Explosive Detection Explosive Detection
Brian Roussell & K9 Sarge Rochester, MN PD Kaitlin Schamberger & K9 Zada NYPD Transit Explosive Detection Explosive Detection
It truly was the above officers that made this a hit! We cannot thank them and their department enough for allowing us to "borrow" them for this show! We appreciated them giving the public incite into their worlds as a K9 handler and the incredible bond they have with their partners.
We also appreciated the volunteers who came to assist with evaluation and production - Bubba and Lynn Howell, Don Slavik, James Metivier, Mark Darnell and Wesley Gargis
And of course, our friends at AKC who funded this entire event, trusting the USPCA enough to ask us to provide the handlers for the show! They provided some pretty amazing swag for the winners as well as all the participants. We certainly learned a lot over the two days that we filmed with this event. We know there are some things that we would like to do better - but overall, we were really pleased with the event and are crossing our fingers that they will be open to at least a couple more runs! We will be looking into some other venues - PNC was just the one that made sense because of its production capabilities, scheduling and the location to the AKC headquarters. We will be looking to see if there are other venues available should AKC decide to do another show! Thank you to everyone who participated and supported us through this event and most especially the AKC who funded the entire process! |